
3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.9 テクスチャベーキングツール

1.9 The Texture Baking ToolWhen you have the need to bake the Textures you have created for the current Retopo Mesh onto a similar Saved Mesh (having different topology), you can do this with the Texture Baking Tool and Dialog.Just specify…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.8 リトポメニュー

1.8 The Retopo MenuOf course any good tool has more to it then meets the eye. The retopology tools are no exception. You can find the menu in the top tool bar, under Retopo. Below arelisted all of the functions in this menu.Import retopo me…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.7 リトポロジーグループ

1.7 Retopology Groups3D-Coat has a Layer system for retopologizing meshes. This makes it easier to retopologize your meshes with problem areas and to have multiple retopology versions of the same object. Much like all the other Layer tabs …

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.6 コマンド (Commands)

1.6 CommandsImport: Imports a mesh which you can use as a basis for a new topological arrangement, or to be modified with Retopo tools.Export: This lets you export your retopologized mesh in .OBJ, .LWO, .STL and .PLY formats.Snap: This snap…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.5 UV (UV Tools)

1.5 UV ToolsThese tools essentially provide those functions which allow you to mark seams for the “Unwrapping” process:Mark seams: Let’s you mark a discontiguous set of connected edges.Edge loops: Selects and marks contiguous edge loops on…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.4 調整 (Tweak Tools)

1.4 Tweak ToolsDelete Polygons: Hover the mouse cursor over a polygon until it highlights and “LeftClick” to delete it.Delete Edges: Hover the mouse cursor over an edge until it highlights and “Left-Click” to delete it.Collapse: Hover the …

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.3 ベーシック (Basic Tools)

1.3 Basic ToolsAdd/split: This tool lets you simply add edges by pointing and clicking in the location you would like to add the edge.Select: This tool has three primary modes, allowing you to select Points, Edges and Polygons.Select Path:…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.2 一般的なリトポ

1.2 General RetopoWorkflows When one needs to create or modify topology, it is usually due to one of the following cases:1. A model exists which already has a topological arrangement that needs to be modified.2. A model exists which has topo…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 1.1 全体的な目的と機能

1.1 Overall Purpose & FunctionThe Retopo Room and the UV Room and its functions are tied together, so that whatever topology is created or edited in the Retopo Room is also reflected in the UV Preview - (which will ultimately become the “pe…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 SECTION 1 リトポ (Manual Topology)

MANUAL TOPOLOGYRetopo Tools & FunctionsTHE TOOLSET1.Overall Purpose & Function2.General Retopo Workflows3.Basic Tools4.Tweak Tools5.UV Tools6.Commands7.Retopology Groups8.The Retopo Menu9.The Texture Baking ToolIn the 3D Age of Polygons, to…

3D-Coat マニュアル 5 章 リトポ (Manual Topology)

3D-Coat provides a plethora of tools for constructing custom topology, automating repetitive tasks when possible - giving you the speed you need to get your project done on time.3D-Coat には、カスタムトポロジを構築し、可能な場合は繰り返し…